Production Covid Precautions

We will be returning to work.

As an industry of problem solvers, there are ways for us to safely and creatively adapt.

There are safety precautions you can take to keep yourself, crew and clients as safe as possible. There are creative choices you can make that can help mitigate additional risk.

There is value in explaining these precautions to your client and following through in every step of the process.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Face coverings are recommended at all times when on set or at production/studio.
Medical masks, cloth masks and face shields reduce the transfer of saliva and respiratory droplets to people close to the wearer.

Glove use is actually not recommended. Gloves may lead to a false sense of security and may actually increase risk, particularly due to self-contamination while taking them on and off.

Instead, effective and frequent hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub is imperative, along with avoidance of touching the eyes, nose or mouth.


Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is a cornerstone of infection prevention and will need to be practiced widely in entertainment industry work environments.

Hand washing with soap and water is considered more effective than hand sanitizer in preventing the spread of COVID-19.


Physical Distancing

Limiting face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Cast and crew must practice physical distancing whenever possible.

Physical distancing involves maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from any other person at all times.

Cast and crew should avoid congregating in groups. When practical, separate work locations into zones to facilitate physical distancing.

  • Waiver of Liability for outside crew and talent – meet with a lawyer to get something drafted. Most talent
    agencies are going to require that you have one.
  • Post social distancing signs all around the set or studio. Signs should be visible in every room or area.
    Post a mask required sign at the entrance of the studio or set and at the check-in table.
  • No one allowed on set without a mask.
  • Have PPE stations in several locations on set or in-studio with masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and
    disinfectant wipers.
  • Health questionnaire provided in advance of the shoot and again at check-in.
  • All crew must wear masks at all times
  • Audio – boom only when possible.
  • When a lav is necessary, it must be sanitized for before and immediately after each talent use
  • Hair and Make-up – All single-use and disposable materials
  • Crew encouraged to bring their own beverages and snacks
  • Meals are provided and all are individually wrapped and pre-packaged
  • Lunch break is staggered to allow for proper social distancing
  • Crew call times are staggered to allow for safe check in on set each morning

Additional Resources